the difference between john mcain and sarah palin.

Two amazing articles to read. I’ve got a helluva post coming on the election, and where my head is. But until that (it’s been saved as a draft since this weekend), these articles are must reads. The first from The Atlantic on John McCain. I’ve been searching for some more good in depth material on […]

lipstick on a pig?

It’s classic. We’re going through one of the worst economic crises that our nation has seen in decades, and the media is talking about lipstick on a pig comments and other total crap. If there’s lipstick on a pig, it’s the lipstick the Fed is trying to put on the pig that is Wall Street. […]

general petraeus & the future of iraq.

Great article in The New Yorker on Iraq through the lens of the story of General Petraeus. What’s interesting in this article is that it reinforces the notion that neither of the “official” narratives of the political parties is correct (things are great– we must stay the course OR we have to bail immediately– that’s […]

obama on the economy.

I’m looking for something like this that explains McCain’s positions. When I find, will post. NYT Mag: Obama on the Economy. Good stuff. Any good long McCain articles? Please send them over.

hagel & lieberman.

It looks like VP choices will be announced today or Monday. Cell phones will be abuzzing with text messages, I’m guessing, today. Since it’s almost certain that I’ll be royally disappointed, I thought I’d chime in once again on what I’d like to see. Barack Obama should choose Chuck Hagel. John McCain should choose Joe […]

oil: are we screwed either way?

On Kedrosky’s blog todayhe posts that we’re screwed either way oil prices go. 1) oil goes up and our economy is in trouble (eats up all consumers’ disposable income, inflation, etc) 2) oil goes down and alternative energy funded bets don’t make sense. I think this is crap. Paul’s right from a historical perspective: after […]

the dark knight & politics.

By now you’ve all no doubt seen it and agree with me that The Dark Knight is an amazing film. I especially loved it because it was a mix of an uber-dark and gritty crime story/superhero tale with really smart plot devices. I won’t bother with my own analysis of the film since there are […]

do you realize what just happened?

dear children, I think we’re sorry for what we’ve done to you. I say “think” because I don’t believe that most Americans have any idea what’s going on right now. We’re sorry that we’re sandbagging you with massive amounts of debt that will likely reduce your standard of living. Someone called it “indentured slavery”. They […]

hand baskets.

dear hand baskets, When people ask what I’m buying these days, I respond: “hand baskets.” “Hand baskets?” “Yeah, everything seems to be going to hell in a hand basket these days, so I might as well own stock”. (Credit goes to my boy Graig for coming up with that one) But still, Mr. Basket, you […]