it’s always the same.

Months ago I looked around me at what was going on in the economy and stock market and it literally gave me tightness in my chest. It was hard for me to concentrate on work, or much of anything. Things that I had read about and worried about were coming to life and the pace […]

my issues with the election.

Candidates have become a necessary evil. Issues are what matter. I’ve blogged about this, and I’ve prattled on endlessly on this since the 2004 lesson. (It was in that brutal, painful election that I saw how pointless the candidate-focused type of campaigning was. I’ve since reformed, and now spend all my time discussing the issues, […]

america’s new favorite sport.

dear politics, I’ll say that its only in the last ~20 years that we’ve devolved into this. Politics is now the average American’s favorite sport. The only thing funnier to me than partisan hacks, are the partisans who think they can change another partisan’s mind. While it probably started in earnest years before– in the […]

the financial crisis explained.

So. Like most people you’re wondering what the hell is going on, right? Don’t worry. Well, you should worry about the fundamentals of America but you shouldn’t worry about understanding it. Because I’ve got it covered. First, go to Blockbuster and rent the movie Boiler Room. YouTube Trailer: In real life, all of Wall Street […]

lipstick on a pig?

It’s classic. We’re going through one of the worst economic crises that our nation has seen in decades, and the media is talking about lipstick on a pig comments and other total crap. If there’s lipstick on a pig, it’s the lipstick the Fed is trying to put on the pig that is Wall Street. […]

hagel & lieberman.

It looks like VP choices will be announced today or Monday. Cell phones will be abuzzing with text messages, I’m guessing, today. Since it’s almost certain that I’ll be royally disappointed, I thought I’d chime in once again on what I’d like to see. Barack Obama should choose Chuck Hagel. John McCain should choose Joe […]

oil: are we screwed either way?

On Kedrosky’s blog todayhe posts that we’re screwed either way oil prices go. 1) oil goes up and our economy is in trouble (eats up all consumers’ disposable income, inflation, etc) 2) oil goes down and alternative energy funded bets don’t make sense. I think this is crap. Paul’s right from a historical perspective: after […]

do you realize what just happened?

dear children, I think we’re sorry for what we’ve done to you. I say “think” because I don’t believe that most Americans have any idea what’s going on right now. We’re sorry that we’re sandbagging you with massive amounts of debt that will likely reduce your standard of living. Someone called it “indentured slavery”. They […]