the platform owns you.

For the past year, I’ve been asked (a lot): “Will you ever run for office again?” My answer is somewhere between “NEVER!” and “probably not.” I gave the same answer throughout the campaign — the only way I knew to not become a politician, would be…well, to not…become a politician. This week I saw a […]

obama’s failure.

It’s good to be declarative when talking about presidents. They should own things. Think ‘Bush’s War’ for Iraq. And, now, it seems ‘Obama’s War’ for Afghanistan. So, I’m declarative here: Obama’s failure. I’ve wanted to write this for a long time. It really built over 2010. As my feelings grew stronger, I felt trapped by […]

a sane political campaign.

I’ve got a lot to say! Especially around this past election. To set the stage for that, I want to describe my perspective as it’s been informed by this unique experience. It’s the lens by which all future commentary and thoughts can be viewed. Here goes: I’m biased, but I believe I ran the most […]