america’s new favorite sport.

dear politics, I’ll say that its only in the last ~20 years that we’ve devolved into this. Politics is now the average American’s favorite sport. The only thing funnier to me than partisan hacks, are the partisans who think they can change another partisan’s mind. While it probably started in earnest years before– in the […]

the financial crisis explained.

So. Like most people you’re wondering what the hell is going on, right? Don’t worry. Well, you should worry about the fundamentals of America but you shouldn’t worry about understanding it. Because I’ve got it covered. First, go to Blockbuster and rent the movie Boiler Room. YouTube Trailer: In real life, all of Wall Street […]

are they stupid?

The SEC is looking into banning short-selling in the stock market. Temporarily. Are they morons? The problem is that government didn’t regulate businesses that were amassing leverage and assets that could take down the nation’s financial system. Since they had their heads up their asses then, they feel like they have to do something now. […]

the difference between john mcain and sarah palin.

Two amazing articles to read. I’ve got a helluva post coming on the election, and where my head is. But until that (it’s been saved as a draft since this weekend), these articles are must reads. The first from The Atlantic on John McCain. I’ve been searching for some more good in depth material on […]

lipstick on a pig?

It’s classic. We’re going through one of the worst economic crises that our nation has seen in decades, and the media is talking about lipstick on a pig comments and other total crap. If there’s lipstick on a pig, it’s the lipstick the Fed is trying to put on the pig that is Wall Street. […]

remembering that tuesday.

It was yesterday. It was a lifetime ago. It’s Tuesday, seven years ago. I’m at Rutgers. I wake up like any other day and turn on the computer. An out of touch best friend from childhood IM’s me. Had I heard? What– that Jordan was coming back? NO. A plane has hit the Towers. I […]

check out the new look.

The blog has some new digs. For those of you reading this via RSS/feed reader, click to come back to and check out the sweet new look. Props go to Ben for doing another killer layout. He’s done some great layouts over the years– here, here. But I think this is his best work […]

general petraeus & the future of iraq.

Great article in The New Yorker on Iraq through the lens of the story of General Petraeus. What’s interesting in this article is that it reinforces the notion that neither of the “official” narratives of the political parties is correct (things are great– we must stay the course OR we have to bail immediately– that’s […]